

Checking that a password meets the minimum requirements:

from nisteag.token.requirements.memorized import BaseThrottler, Level1Checker

class MyThrottler(BaseThrottler):
    def check(self, username, token):
        """Verify that the token hasn't failed too many times and too frequently."""

checker = Level1Checker(MyThrottler())

checker.check('This Is a b1g and r3l3v4nt passwrod!')
checker.check('this')  # will fail, however.

# also fails, since the token matches the provided word dictionary
checker.check('known one', dictionary=['known one', 'something else'])

# also fails, since it's an anagram of the username
checker.check('silent', username='listen')

You can also just calculate the entropy directly, if you want:

from nisteag.entropy import EntropyCalculator

calculator = EntropyCalculator()
calculator.calculate('abcd')  # returns 10.0


You can also check the entropy of a password from the command-line:

$ check-entropy abcd

$ check-entropy  # will pick the password via user input